February 2, 2013

Mementos : An Excerpt From Io's Journal

š Second Day of the Fire Moon of Pahep Year 749 A.E.
In the morning we came to the conclusion that we had exhausted the resources of the library, and we decided to take a walk down to the town center to see if we could come up with anything. After looking around for a bit we stopped at an antique book store. I was flipping though the stacks of books when something caught my eye.

It was a battered looking book called “The Complete History of Pandon”. I bought it for 1000 gold plus that chunk of amber that I was sick of carrying around.

Sonlan and I decided to pop into a small café for lunch, and while eating we decided to try scrying again.

This time we saw much blood and suffering, we saw the orcs getting ready for battle, we saw demons attacking dwarves and drow. But then suddenly, a pair of eyes were staring at us, great red eyes engulfed in flame. It was as if they knew we were watching and were staring right at us.

The vision ended and we were back in the café, but only for a second. Before I knew what was happening I was sucked back into the orb, the eyes smiling at me. They showed me a vision of Avalon… burning. Whatever it was was destroying the mountain and it was coming for Avalon next. And it was happy.

I heard a voice in the back of my head chanting something, and as the voice grew louder the visions got darker. It was Sonlan, he was pulling me out of the orb! I arrived back in the café exhausted and distressed, tears streaming down my face.

“It’s coming for us.”

Sonlan quickly covered the orb with cloth and tucked it inside his bag.

I regained my composure and wrote another letter to Azura. This was far worse than I could have ever imagined.

On my way back to the Inn I ran into Nargash, they were back! I told him to round up everyone and meet me at the Inn in 15 minutes. It was urgent.

We met everyone at the Inn, and I explained what had happened. They had picked up a new member of the company, a halfling named Mego. Then Orion arrived to bring me my chattering stone, and helped explain what was going on. Bromung decided he was going to stay behind with the captain to scout and lead the backup into the mountain when the time came. Nargash decided he wasn’t going back in the mountain, and I agreed that he was better off here. “Help protect Serene and the city, should things come to that.” Nargash left and headed out for the docks.

Luckily our number held fast, as a man in a dark cloak in the corner of the inn overheard our conversation. It seems he worships the raven queen, who is strongly tied to the drow. He agreed to help us on our quest to save them.

We agreed to gather whatever provisions we needed now, and then leave at 5am the next morning.

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