October 26, 2010

Cycle and Updates

Here is the new / final cycle!  If you like it, don't like it, approve or disapprove...

Comment below!!!

(notice how I keep stressing to comment yet?)

  1. Mr. Kyle
  2. Kodiake
  3. Spanky
  4. Crinoline
  5. Mr. N
  6. Will

Try to have your bios posted before the final fragment piece is posted by Will, alright?  I know it is a huge template... (mine is still only 3/4 done) but it is well worth it when it is done!  Good luck!


  1. Sounds good to me. Thank you for updating when I hadn't. :3

  2. Looks great to me. I have a lot of ideas, but I think I want to be on the reacting end of this thing.

  3. What do you mean "reacting" end? You don't want to be an author? D:

  4. Looks good to me! I like that Spencer is after me so I can't procrastinate because he will be on my back saying he wants me to finish so he can write!

  5. I think he meant that he being last, he gets to react to everything that will happen prior to his turn as a word-smith. There's a lot that can happen with a story that told exquisite corpse style like this (made of many different person's parts) and I'm assuming he's happy he gets time to really get everyone's stories first. Is this right Will?

    Also, the character bio took me, like a full hour to do...and I went back to edit it today. :{ Take your time guys, the website isn't going anywhere while you flesh out cool characters and new places.

  6. Well, the cycle keeps looping... so he wouldn't be "the last" in the grand scheme of things...

    Maybe I should just remove the numbers.
