Character Bio - Saffron

(Sorry for the poor quality of images, my scanner didn't work so I had to photo them. I'll repost the images when I can get it to work)

Name: Saffron (Named for her bright red hair that looked like strands of saffron at birth) Her mother and Grandmother lovingly call her Saffie.

Birthdate: She is 23, and was born sometime in early Autumn. (Around our October 19th)

Place of Birth: The gypsies had made their yearly stop in one of their favorite Nord Villages in the high mountains. They always travel here in fall as the colors of the trees in the mountains are unbelievable. (and the fur trade is at it’s best, in preparation for the cold weather ahead.) Saffron was born under the loving arms of a great oak tree, it’s ancient bows glowing with leaves of the brightest orange and yellow cheerfully dancing in the sun. She was delivered by her grandmother, Tallulah. Most of the other gypsies in their group were also present for the occasion.

Height: 5’5”

Weight: 120

Measurements: She is very thin and limber, but she is also very strong.

Clothing Sizes: She makes all her own clothes, but I would suppose a size small would do.

Hair: Bright red hair that seems to float behind her, and gleams brightly in the sun. Her hair falls down well past her butt.

Eyes: They are a bright, very saturated blue, they always seem to sparkle like stars.

Handedness: Through all her training, Saffron is 100% ambidextrous

Jewelry: She wears Bangles on her Wrists and ankles, as well as a chain around her waist. She wears earrings that are made from Blue Dragon scales and can be used as small daggers, these were given to her by Akeem. She also wears a necklace that was given to her by her grandmother, it depicts a sun and moon together. Unknown to Saffron, her grandmother cast a spell of protection on this amulet. (In D&D terms it increases her AC, and would give her a healing surge if ever mortally wounded) Her grandmother told her never to take it off, so she does not. (see picture for jewelry close-ups)

Tattoos: Has a tribal-ish tattoo resembling vines traveling up her left side and back. This represents the tree of life and the bond she shares with her family and her belief that everyone she has ever met has in some way touched, shaped, and changed her life; as so she has changed theirs, no matter how small. She has a strong feeling that everyone on earth is connected as one larger living organism. (see pic)

General Appearance: See picture. Saffron is always cheerful and pleasant, and is very light on her feet, she seems to float rather than walk into a space, and is always able to light up the room. She loves to dance, jump, and flip to get from place to place.

Relationships, Relatives: Saffron’s mother Mirabelle (Mira) was always a kind and loving mother. She was always there and taught Mira the art of dancing and acrobatics. However, from the moment she was born, Saffron has always had a stronger than steel bond to her grandmother Tallulah (Tula). As a child, Saffron would cry uncontrollably in the arms of anyone but Tula and Mira, but would only smile and laugh when in the arms of Tula. Saffron spent all her spare time with her grandmother, and Tula is her greatest role model and mentor. Saffron’s father was a mysterious man with whom Mira fell in love with. He only came at night and only to her, no one else ever saw her mystery man. One night he told her he would no longer be able to be with her but would bestow upon her a great gift. Shortly afterwards, she discovered she was pregnant, and she never saw the man again. She was devastated for the duration of the pregnancy, but once Saffron was born she seemed to forget all about him. Saffron was told all of this by her grandmother, and was told never to mention it to her mother, for fear she might fall into a depression again. In Saffron’s caravan community, everyone is as close as family though, and she loves them all.

Relationships, Friends: Generally Saffron is kind and warm to everyone she meets, She treats everyone like family and is quick to help others.
Akeem has been Saffron’s best friend and confidant since they were babies, He is tall and muscular with dark skin. He keeps his head shaved and wears a scarf around it most of the time. He also wears an open vest and loose pants and typically does not wear shoes. He is very warm and friendly despite his intimidating appearance, he doesn’t like to fight and would much rather “kill them with kindness.”
Fenwick is Saffron’s pet fox, he has a brilliant bright red coat, closely matching Saffron’s own hair. She rescued him from a hunters trap when he was just a baby, and since then he travels with her everywhere. She has trained him to dance with her and do so many tricks, that many forget he is a fox at all, and treat him just like another in the family.

Enemies: Saffron has no real enemies. Though she is friendly to everyone she is NOT naive, and knows when someone is no good. She will still be kind to them but will not be taken advantage of. She only fights in defense. Despite her intense social and moral views, she is no activist, and will not meddle in the affairs of others.

Educational History: Saffron’s Mother taught her the arts of dance and acrobatics. Saffron’s grandmother taught her the arts of mysticism, Palm reading, fortune telling, as well as some minor magic spells. (the equivalent of D&D wizard cantrips (Ghost sound, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand))
Through living in a traveling caravan, Saffron has seen a great deal of the world. Also with her being very friendly curious, she has spoken with many people learning the history of things and places. She tries to pick up a new bit of information or a new skill in every place she visits.

Work History: Saffron has never held a real job, but has made money by dancing, and doing acrobatics and contortion shows. She has also helped out in places she has traveled to, In restaurants, inns, shops, forges, carpentry shops, etc. anywhere she was able to help a person or learn a new skill.

Skills: As stated before, Saffron is incredibly talented in the art of dance, acrobatics, and is very flexible so she can do some contortionism. She can use cantrips, read palms, tell fortunes, mix potions, and read tarot cards. She knows some blacksmithing, carpentry, cooking, foraging… she basically knows a little about everything. She can hold a basic conversation in many different languages.

Phobias/Fears: She is afraid of those with no love in their hearts, as she cannot understand how someone cannot hold anything dear to them. She is also afraid of dying before she finds a higher meaning to life.

Bad Habits/Vices: As a result of her upbringing, Saffron hates staying in one place for very long. She usually doesn’t stay in one place longer than 3 days.

Quirks: Saffron tends to dance while she walks and is always moving. She can be perfectly still if necessary, but it pains her to sit still for long.

Best Qualities: Saffron is very friendly and cheerful, and seems to always lift everyone’s spirits. She is quick to tell a joke and is very witty.

Worst Qualities: Inability to settle down… basically many acquaintances, few actual friends.

Key Childhood/Teenage Experiences: Traveling the world in a caravan, learning skills, meeting people. Saffron has connections in many towns and villages because of her friendly attitude and talkative behavior.

Key Adult Experiences: When Saffron was 21, her grandmother was stricken very ill. Saffron did not leave her side for a whole week before Tula passed away. At the moment she died, a great blue glow filled the room and seemed to flow from Tula into Saffron. At that moment Saffron had a vision of a great fire, and many people being killed by soldiers emanating light. Of a girl who ran, filled with so much pain in her heart. She knew for some reason that she must find this girl… That this could lead to answering her questions about the meaning of life. And the morning after her grandmothers funeral, she set out alone (but with Fenwick) on her new quest.

Sexual Background: Akeem has always been deeply in love with Saffron, however she was never much interested in such things and has always politely refused his advances. She is open to romance, but she has met so many people without feeling a connection that she figures there is no one out there for her. She is not overly sad or upset about this, she doesn’t really think about it much.

Food: She likes all kinds of food, and will try anything once!
Clothing: She wears clothes that are non-restricting and flow. She loves bright colors and patterns.
Art: Saffron believes that even the smallest blade of grass is a beautiful work of art and should be admired. She finds beauty in everything.
Music: Saffron loves any music that is played with emotion from the heart. When the artist pours his soul into his music you can really tell, and to her those are the best pieces.

Personal Goals: To find the girl from her vision and discover the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. (And it’s not 42)

Professional Goals: She has no profession, so there are no goals there.

Morality/Ethics: Saffron is a hippie, she believes everyone and everything is important and has great worth, and everyone has a role to play in a plan greater than any one person. She does her duty to be kind and to always do the right thing. She lives life to the fullest and does not take a single instant of it for granted.

Style of Speech: Saffron is not especially loud nor quiet. She always uses proper grammar and speaks clearly despite coming from what many would think to be an uneducated community.

Commonly used words/ Slang/Jargon: She often smiles with her eyes, and always tries to look on the bright side of things. She kind of talks like a hippie though, referring to everyone being connected and the importance of love and how beautiful the world and it’s wonders are. She tends to notice small details and points out the beauty in them to others.

Lies/Misinformation: She does not know of the mystical properties of her amulet.
Unknown to everyone her father was actually the God Corellon, he was taking the mortal form of an elf so he could be with Mira at night. He was forced to stop seeing Mira when his wife, the goddess Sehanine discovered their love and grew very angry, threatening to kill Mira if he ever saw her again. Corellon was able to give Mira a mortal baby before vowing to never go to her again. Corellon desperately wants to be near to Saffron, as she is the embodiment of all he stands for, so much that he will take on the form of everyday people just to interact with her. Despite his love for her he does not reveal his true form or act on his feelings for fear of again invoking the wrath of Sehanine. But he does watch over her longing to be with her. However Sehanine did put a curse on Saffron where she can never feel romantic love for anyone, which is why she has never felt a desire for a romantic or sexual relationship with anyone. (Just to be super clear, Saffron is mortal, she is NOT a demigod)

Fighting Style: Saffron carries throwing knives, smoke bombs, a variety of poisons and potions, her magical tambourine (described below)

Saffron’s tambourine is always with her, it was a gift from her mother and also belonged to her great-grandmother. It’s cymbals are actually very sharp and it can be used as a weapon. Saffron can also change it from a tambourine to a war hoop with a single motion (think Tira from Soul Calibur) and attack with it like that.

Saffron is very agile and is always moving during battle, she can kick and punch from every angle and her attacks seem to come from out of nowhere. She can easily weave throughout the battlefield without provoking attacks as she can dodge attacks effortlessly. She doesn’t do much damage but she is nearly impossible to hit.
Fenwick, Saffron’s fox, is also quick to defend her and is her loyal companion in and out of battle.

Other Important details: Though at the time she was devastated by her grandmothers death, she is calmed by the fact that a part of her grandmothers spirit now resides within her. She no longer grieves for her, but strives to complete the quest her grandmother laid before her.